Test Script Runner Regression Tester

Test Script Runner V5.0j
32 Bit 64 Bit
About Box V5.0i 32 bit About Box V5.0i 64 bit Test Script Runner antivirus report

Changes in V5.0j since V5.0i

Bug Fixes:-

  1. Fixed proxy to allow strings > 32K.
  2. Fixed crash when sending or waiting for a % char.

Test Script Runner V5.0i
32 Bit 64 Bit
About Box V5.0i 32 bit About Box V5.0i 64 bit

Changes in V5.0i since V5.0h

Bug Fixes:-

  1. Fixed crash when testing for long periods.

Test Script Runner V5.0h
32 Bit 64 Bit
About Box V5.0h 32 bit About Box V5.0h 64 bit

Changes in V5.0h since V5.0g

New Features:-

  1. Added file and pipe serial communication types. The pipe serial type creates a named pipe server. The File serial type can read and or write files or open named pipes.
  2. Added tcpv6 , tcpv6pkt and udpv6 serial communication types to allow IPv6 communication.
  3. Added sendstring and waitforstring actions to the serial tester. These actions do the same as send and waitfor without calling sprint and therefore there is no need for double slashes etc.
  4. Script execution has been made more efficient.
  5. Scripts are cached when loading to speed up inclusion of sub-scripts and reduce memory usage.

Bug Fixes:-

  1. 1. Fixed results file creation problem when batch queues are stopped, results deleted and then re-started.

Test Script Runner V5.0g
32 Bit 64 Bit
About Box V5.0g 32 bit About Box V5.0g 64 bit

Changes in V5.0g since V5.0f

New Features:-

  1. Added pre-increment (++var) and pre-decrement (--var).
  2. Allow sscanf, function call, pre and post increment/decrement in expression such as if and while statement.
  3. Added trimleft, trim and trimright built in string functions.

Test Script Runner V5.0f
32 Bit 64 Bit
About Box V5.0f 32 bit About Box V5.0f 64 bit

Changes in V5.0f since V5.0e

New Features:-

  1. Added actions InvokeNoWait, SendKeysWait, SendKeys, and ControlType action to UIAutomationWindowTester.

Bug Fixes:-

  1. Fixed Script Proxy now shows an overall result when completed.
  2. Sprintf can now be used as a function parameter.
  3. Fixed GetText action on UIAutomationWindowTester.

Test Script Runner V5.0e
32 Bit 64 Bit
About Box V5.0e 32 bit About Box V5.0e 64 bit

Changes in V5.0e since V5.0d

New Features:-

  1. Added optional Boolean second parameter, default true, to movelogfile and copyogfile which if false will move or copy but not add the file to the results.
  2. Moved log files to sub-directory of the results directory to make navigation of results directory easier.
  3. Added versionundertest built in variable which is set to the value specified in the Execute->Version under Test dialog.
  4. Added paste to serial terminal.

Bug Fixes:-

  1. Fixed Script Proxy to correctly set script result when RESET is received.
  2. Fixed race condition when setting encryption key for serial comms.
  3. Fixed multiple file selection when adding to batch queue.

Test Script Runner V5.0d
32 Bit 64 Bit
About Box V5.0d 32 bit About Box V5.0d 64 bit

Changes in V5.0d since V5.0c

New Features:-

  1. Added IScript1 interface supported by Script to add Save and SaveAs.
  2. Added VERSion <version> command to the Script Proxy SCPI interface to allow the version under test to be specified in the results..

Test Script Runner V5.0c
32 Bit 64 Bit
About Box V5.0c 32 bit About Box V5.0c 64 bit

Changes in V5.0c since V5.0b

New Features:-

  1. Added “API?”, “Name” and “Name?” commands to Script Proxy SCPI interface. “API?” returns the SCPI version current which is 2.0. “Name” sets the script proxy file name which is used when creating the results filename and “Name?” returns the current script proxy file name.
  2. Allow multiple file selection when adding to batch queue.
  3. Added Cut (CTRL-X), Copy (CTRL-C), Paste (CTRL-V) and Undo (CTRL-Z) for changing items in a batch queue.
  4. Auto scroll up and down the batch queue when dragging item to top and bottom of the list to make moving items easier.

Bug Fixes:-

  1. Fixed Batch Queue Iteration results end time stamps.
  2. Fixed Batch Queue iteration count when Auto Reset is not selected.
  3. Fixed Batch Queue start when Auto Reset is not selected.
  4. Fixed Script Proxy result when failure occurs in an ignore result section.

Test Script Runner V5.0b
32 Bit 64 Bit
About Box V5.0b 32 bit About Box V5.0b 64 bit

Changes in V5.0b since V5.0a

New Features:-

  1. Allow variable as format parameter of sscanf.

Test Script Runner V5.0a
32 Bit 64 Bit
About Box V5.0a 32 bit About Box V5.0a 64 bit

Changes in V5.0a since V5.0

New Features:-

  1. Added “Hardware” flow control to RS-232 serial communications – this is equivalent to current CTS+DTR flow control.
  2. Added negative action using var ! action() which records a pass as a fail and a fail as a pass i.e. this is for expected failures. Use var :! Action() to only record the result of failures. Please note an action that results in an error or warning etc. will be recorded without change.

Bug Fixes:-

  1. Fixed RS-232 hardware flow control.
  2. Fixed logging of rx/tx chars in serial plugin (V6.2).
  3. Pause on Error will no longer stop in an ignore result section.
  4. Fixed deadlock resulting in no response from GUI during a script run.

Test Script Runner V5.0
32 Bit 64 Bit
About Box V5.0 32 bit About Box V5.0 64 bit

Changes in V5.0 since V4.0p

New Features:-

  1. Added Test Result Summary to Batch Queue Results view.
  2. Added Started and Finished times for each iteration of a batch of tests.
  3. Allow running of a batch inside a batch.
  4. Allow assignment of Test Result to variable.
  5. Added ISerialComms interface and SerialComms co-class to allow third party software to use Test Script Runner encrypted serial communications.
  6. Added IEncryption interface and Encryption co-class to provide Test Script Runner encryption services to third party software.
  7. Assignment of a conditional statement assigns the bool and not the result if the conditional result is passed.
  8. Added deleteFile, createdir and removedir to ftp tester (V3.0).
About Box V4.0p 32 bit About Box V4.0p 64 bit

Changes in V4.0p since V4.0o

New Features:-

  1. Added action compareFiles to file tester (V2.0).
  2. Added .net inter-operability DLL TestScriptRunnerLib.dll to install directory.
  3. Added waitforconnected and waitfordisconnected actions to serial tester (V6.0) and allow double timeout on all actions.
  4. Added *IDN? Query to script proxy in SCPI mode and allow \r end of line terminator.
  5. Added Toggle, SetToggleState and ToggleState to UIAutomationTester.
  6. Allow assignment to array index i.e. a[1][1] = 10
  7. Added XML Tester that allows you to read XML files.

Bug Fixes:-

  1. Allow action call in condition statement i.e. if a.action() …
  2. Allow scanf in array declaration i.e. a = [scanf(…)].

Test Script Runner V4.0o
32 Bit 64 Bit
About Box V4.0o 32 bit About Box V4.0o 64 bit

Changes in V4.0o since V4.0n

New Features:-

  1. Added UIAutomationTester that uses UI Automation to control a windows application. The windows tester has now been deprecated as this new tester is far more powerful. See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms747327.aspx for an overview of UI Automation.
  2. Added ability to open registry for KEY_READ, KEY_WRITE or KEY_ALLACCESS rights via the open action of the Registry tester plugin. This allows the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE to be read on a Windows VISTA, 7 or 8 PC without administrator rights.
  3. Added a SCPI interface to the ScriptProxy document. Tick the Use SCPI check box when creating or modifying the serial parameters for a Script Proxy document (.tsp)
  4. Added string getenv(string name) built in function to return the value of an environment variable.

Bug Fixes:-

  1. Fixed passing of arrays to functions.
  2. Fixed creation of arrays via assignment so that any value can be part of the comma separated list.
  3. Allow Tester Plugin to return a Boolean.
  4. Fixed crash on script termination.
  5. Fixed loading of serial parameters in the GUI.
Test Script Runner V4.0n
32 Bit 64 Bit
About Box V4.0n 32 bit About Box V4.0n 64 bit

Changes in V4.0n since V4.0m

New Features:-

  1. Added TestScriptRunnerAgmin.exe to allow system wide variable setting on Windows 7
  2. Disabled System wide variable setting in User Mode on Windows 7
  3. Changed help for Tester plug-in development to allow auto register with Test Script Runner.

Bug Fixes:-

  1. Fixed install of VS2010 SP1 redistributables.
Test Script Runner V4.0m
32 Bit 64 Bit
About Box V4.0m 32 bit About Box V4.0m 64 bit

Changes in V4.0m since V4.0l

New Features:-

  1. Allow assert statement in an assignment [a = assert(false)]
  2. Added “Process” serial type to Serial Tester Plug-in to provide command line support.
    s = new Serial("Process")
    delete s

Bug Fixes:-

  1. Fixed installation of Batch Queue Item Creators on new PC due to missing registry key.
  2. Allow currently selected entry in Batch Queue to be deleted.
  3. Fixed crash on use of save in Batch Queue when results xml has been loaded.
Test Script Runner V4.0l
32 Bit 64 Bit
About Box V4.0l 32 bit About Box V4.0l 64 bit

Changes in V4.0l since V4.0k

New Features:-

  1. Windows 64 bit support added.

Bug Fixes:-

  1. 1) Corrected parsing of double with exponent.
Test Script Runner V4.0k
About Box V4.0k

Changes in V4.0k since V4.0j

New Features:-

  1. Added Text mode to ”startLoggingToFile” action on Serial Tester Plug-in.
  2. Added right justify ‘-‘ option to printf format specification.
  3. Added Abort function format Abort(“A Reason String”) to allow script to be aborted due to incorrect test configuration etc.

Bug Fixes:-

  1. Fixed crash in Serial Tester Plug-in when using the tpcpkt or rs232pkt interface.
  2. Ensure that failures are logged for local statements.
Test Script Runner V4.0j
About Box V4.0j

Changes in V4.0j since V4.0i

New Features:-

  1. Added %c format to scanf. This returns a single character string or multiple single character strings if width is specified.
  2. Added non-printable characters to variable view of strings.
  3. Speeded up loading of batch queues.

Bug Fixes:-

  1. Fixed failure to create tester after large number of tests have been run.
  2. Fixed %s to use width qualifier.
  3. Fixed %[]s to remove leading white space.
  4. Fixed status of tcppkt and rs232pkt serial connections.
  5. Corrected Serial Tester plug-in documentation for tcppkt and rs232pkt
  6. Corrected Boolean operations and assignments.
  7. Fixed crash in scanf if no values are returned
  8. Fixed crash on termination when /exit is used
Test Script Runner V4.0i
About Box V4.0i

Changes in V4.0i since V4.0h

New Features:-

  1. Changed Serial TCP connection to restart winsock on error
  2. Added connection debug to serial plug-in
  3. Added tcppkt and serialpkt serial types to provide a simple packet interface
    <4 byte length (network order)><Data> on the serial line
  4. Added command line options /start to auto start a batch job and /exit to auto exit when complete.
  5. Added variable details view – double click on a variable in the variable view window to open the details view.

Bug Fixes:-

  1. Fixed Proxy Tester ExecuteScriptFile action – please note you are advised to use tcppkt or serialpkt serial type when using a proxy.
Test Script Runner V4.0h
About Box V4.0h

Changes in V4.0h since V4.0g

New Features:-

  1. Added printf and strlen function
  2. Added diagnostics trace to TCP connections to determine why a connection has failed.

Bug Fixes:-

  1. None
Test Script Runner V4.0g
About Box V4.0g

Changes in V4.0g since V4.0f

New Features:-

  1. Added check for modified batch results file.
  2. Added ScriptDirStr and ScriptDirectoryStr built in variables which provide the script directory without double slashes as per ScriptDir and ScriptDirectory variables.
  3. Allow array index access into strings to obtain individual characters.
  4. More error information is provided when a Tester Plug-in is declared invalid when being added.

Bug Fixes:-

  1. Closing the application while a batch job is running no longer causes a crash.
Test Script Runner V4.0f
About Box V4.0f

Changes in V4.0f since V4.0e

New Features:-

  1. Added action to send a script file to a proxy.

Bug Fixes:-

  1. Corrected script XSL style sheet to prevent excessive load times for results viewing.
  2. Corrected typos in action names for AutoIt3 tester plug-in.
  3. Fixed layout of script results for if and while statements.
Test Script Runner V4.0e
About Box V4.0e

Changes in V4.0e since V4.0d

New Features:-

  1. Allow use of the keyword Error as a for test result comparison.
  2. Add Step to Batch Queue to run next item and stop.

Bug Fixes:-

  1. Trace log files now get copied along with the test results.
  2. Prevent case sensitivity when entering system/user persistent variables.
Test Script Runner V4.0d
About Box V4.0d

Changes in V4.0d since V4.0c

New Features:-

  1. Allow arithmetic expression in a sleep statement e.g. sleep(X *2).

Bug Fixes:-

  1. Minor parsing fix for sscanf statements.
Test Script Runner V4.0c
About Box V4.0c

Changes in V4.0c since V4.0b

New Features:-

  1. Addition of AutoIt3 Tester Plug-in which interfaces with AutoIt3 COM API to control windows applications. To use this plug-in you will need to install AutoIt3 from http://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/downloads.shtml.
  2. Addition of script name and line number to trace in order to help in debugging run time script errors.

Bug Fixes:-

  1. None.
Test Script Runner V4.0b
About Box V4.0b

Changes in V4.0b since V4.0a

New Features:-

  1. None.

Bug Fixes:-

  1. Fixed infinite loop in GUI causing 100% CPU usage.
Test Script Runner V4.0a
About Box V4.0a

Changes in V4.0a since V4.0

New Features:-

  1. Allow notes to be added to PC Name in License Check program.
  2. Allow for zero length arrays.

Bug Fixes:-

  1. Fixed crash on loading script containing syntax errors.
  2. Fixed loading of multiple scripts at the same time.
Test Script Runner V4.0
About Box V4.0

Changes in V4.0 since V3.1i

New Features:-

  1. Allow entry of version of unit under test and include this in the results file. This is entered via the execution menu.
  2. Allow batch results file to be loaded to enable post run comments to be added to results file without need to hand edit XML file.
  3. Allow white space between identifier and array index.
  4. Changed to use : after a function call rather than – when wising to avoid logging of results to as this is the same operator used in actions e.g. a = X():.
  5. Allow actions to be called on actions that return a tester such as x.y().z().
  6. Many places where arrays etc were not allowed are now allowed.
  7. Set script state to error if any load error occurs.
  8. Set script as failed in batch queue at load time if script state is error.
  9. Added save as option to script. This allows the fully loaded formatted script to be saved. Please note all include files are discarded and a standalone script saved.
  10. Added file types .tsp (Test Script Runner Script Proxy) and .tst (Test Script Runner Terminal) to installer to allow double click load from explorer.
  11. Addition of Find via CTRL-F for scripts.
  12. Addition of the File Tester Plug-in to provide file/directory utilities.
  13. The License Check utility now saves all keys you have entered for easy access and provides a save text option.
  14. In Set/Clear Variables dialog added option to save changes when Save and Exit is pressed without pressing Add.
  15. Added option to view/hide script comments.
  16. String concatenation is now supported e.g. “Hello” “ “ “World” equates to “Hello World”. This allows strings to be split over multiple lines within the script.

Bug Fixes:-

  1. Fixed crash in Serial Tester Plug-in regarding the reception of % chars.
  2. General speed improvements.
  3. Fixed memory leak in batch queue script loading.
  4. If a Script Proxy fails to open its serial port it no longer crashes setting encryption.
  5. Remove non-printable characters from results comments.
Test Script Runner V3.1i
About Box V3.1i

Changes in V3.1i since V3.1h

New Features:-

  1. None

Bug Fixes:-

  1. Fixed crash on failure to create a valid tester object.

Changes in V3.1h since V3.1g

New Features:-

  1. Serial Tester Plugin V3.0 now accepts \0 and \x break character sequence to allow control codes to be sent.
  2. sprintf now accepts \0 and \x break character sequence to allow control codes to be added to a string.
  3. Add a - in front of a function call to prevent logging of pass results. Use this to prevent utility functions from cluttering up the results file.

Bug Fixes:-

  1. If a non-printable character is sent/received on a serial connection the end of the character string is not truncated in the log.

Changes in V3.1g since V3.1f

New Features:-

  1. New script parse allows more complex script commands such as the use of maths within a parameter list. This change makes future script enhancements easier to implement.
  2. Tester actions can return ITester objects and document the internal objects via the ITester3 interface.

Bug Fixes:-

  1. The main window will resize if the screen resolution is lower than expected.
  2. The system/user variable entry dialog has been modified to fit on a smaller screen.
  3. The auto scroll feature of the script view does not scroll the horizontal scroll bar just the vertical to make it easier to view where in the script you are.
  4. The use of forward slashes in move and copy logfile commands work.

Changes in V3.1f since V3.1e

New Features:-

  1. In auto scroll mode the script shows the caller of a function rather than the internals of the function in order to allow easier knowledge of where in the script is executing.

Bug Fixes:-

  1. GUI no longer crashes after long test runs.

Changes in V3.1e since V3.1d

New Features:-

  1. None.

Bug Fixes:-

  1. local tester variables no longer cause a crash.
  2. 5 second wait on unloading tester has been removed resulting in less retry messages from windows and faster access to menu features.
  3. Serial plug-in V2.3 no longer locks system when close is called.

Changes in V3.1d since V3.1c

New Features:-

  1. Added local variables. Simply add the keyword local before a variable assignment and it will only exist within the current script context.

Bug Fixes:-

  1. Activating and releasing a license while having a batch queue or script loaded no longer results in an invalid license.

Changes in V3.1c since V3.1b

New Features:-

  1. Added number of passed, total number of scripts run and % pass rate to top of batch queue results.
  2. Improved reporting of script load errors giving filename and line number of error location.
  3. Added built-in function saveuservar which allows the script to store variables in the user variables persistent store. The function can take an array of variable names and will store them all.

Bug Fixes:-

  1. Fixed LicenseCheck.exe to correctly display user name and email address with applicable PC.
  2. Fixed leak of windows thread handles in TCP, UDP and RS-232 serial communication software.
  3. Fixed crash in GUI script view.

Changes in V3.1b since V3.1a

New Features:-

  1. Addition of user name and email address to license activation data.
  2. Addition of LicenseCheck program to check where licenses are installed. This will include the user name and email address if the license was activated with V3.1b installed.

Bug Fixes:-

  1. None

Changes in V3.1a since V3.1

New Features:-

  1. The WindowsTester plug-in V4.3 allows the use of a button identifier in the press action to allow for the case where multiple buttons have the same name.

Bug Fixes:-

  1. Statements such as if (random % 5) == 0 then are now valid.
  2. If an error such as no more available licenses occurs while activating a license a message box is displayed.
  3. Multiple text lines can be added when commenting on test results.

Changes in V3.1 since 3.0b

New Features:-

  1. Added license request/release to allow license to be moved between PCs.
  2. Added user variables to override system variables.
  3. Windows tester plug-in version is 4.2a allowing timeouts to be specified by most actions.
  4. Improved Batch Queue results.
  5. Added maintenance plan key activation.

Bug Fixes:-

  1. Fixed path to log file for Batch Queue Items so that path is relative to XML file location.
  2. Failed action assignments using the full stop operator get logged in the results file.
  3. Files in a batch queue do not get added to previous files list when batch queue is loaded.

Changes in V3.0b since 3.0a

New Features:-

  1. Addition of Internet tester plug-in to perform web server requests.
  2. Addition of constructor documentation for all plug-in tester modules
  3. Addition of RecurseDeleteKey action to Registry tester plug-in
  4. Output of statistics from checkLoss action of RTSP Tester plug-in
  5. Addition of Selenium Tester plug-in to automate web site validation
  6. Addition of encryption on serial lines to protect systems when using a proxy tester
  7. Addition of user comments to batch queue results. Use lower batch queue window to add a comment.
  8. Addition of return statement for functions format return <val/var>[,<val/var>[...]]
  9. Allow read only view of script when license is not valid.
  10. Addition of optional encryption key to Proxy Tester plug-in.
  11. Addition of optional encryption key to Serial Proxy.
  12. Addition of WaitForEnabledWindow,GetTabCount,GetCurrentlySelectedTab,SelectTab and CaptureScreenShot actions to the WindowsTester plug-in.

Bug Fixes:-

  1. Fixed logData action of serial tester
  2. If an action returns values these are added to the results even if not assigned to a var.
  3. Fixed use of movelogfile and copy log file for network shared drives.
  4. Changed AddTesters dialog so all tester versions can be viewed.
  5. Use send with timeout in press action of Windows Tester plug-in.

Changes in V3.0a since 3.0

New Features:-

  1. Addition of Internet Tester pluging to perform web requests
  2. View results of script or batch queue from the View menu
  3. Addition of new built in variables for randome number generation (randomratio,randommax and random)
  4. Added arithmetic operators to boolean statements
  5. Improved error message from sscanf to indicate where error occured
  6. Windows Tester updated to V3.3b see Tester Documentation for new actions which include List Box manipulation.

Bug Fixes:-

  1. UDP transmit on same port as receive works
  2. Batch Queue autoReset only occurs if retryCount is 0
  3. BatchQueueItem.cpp now compiles on MS Visual Studio C++ 6.0
  4. Stop on Error will not pause in an ignore result section
  5. Use of colon operator when in assignment statement corrected
  6. Use of AUTORUN corrected

Changes in V3.0 since 2.4i

New Features:-

  1. Addition of ScriptProxy tester to the SerialTesterPlugin along with a new ScriptProxy to allow control of a remote PC via a serial link. A ScriptProxy document is created on the remote PC using any of the serial communication types (TCP, UDP or RS-232) and a Proxy Tester is created on the PC running the script using the same serial communications type. Script commands are sent to the remote PC via the Proxy Tester execute action and the result recorded. Variables can be read from the remote PC via the variableValue action.
  2. Batch Queues can be reordered via drag and drop.
  3. Addition of BatchQueue option to automatically reset an item before running. In the case of a script this means each time it is run in continuous mode the results only include the current iteration not all iterations.
  4. Addition of BatchQueue option to retry failed scripts N times.
  5. Addition of aborted method to BatchQueueItem class.
  6. Addition of script overall result to email subject to allow failed scripts to be seen without opening the email.
  7. Windows Tester Plugin V3.2 adds waitForChild and waitAndActivateMDIChild actions. The waitAndActivateMDIChild allows the correct document within an MDI application to be selected prior to reading/writing to it.
  8. Calling an action using : instead of . causes results for passed actions to not be logged. This can be used to reduce the size of the results file for actions that have no significance to the script result. Please note actions that do not pass are always logged.
  9. Batch Queue plug-in items now show trace output and can provide result files.
  10. Testers now log their version numbers to the log file.
  11. Batch queues create their results file on pressing run.

Bug Fixes:-

  1. Serial TCP connection is correctly terminated if socket is closed on remote end.
  2. System variables are parsed correctly for multi-dimensional arrays.
  3. Batch Queue items are loaded at load time to ensure all log entries are recorded.
  4. System variables with uppercase characters are correctly read preventing multiple variables having the same names.
  5. The online/offline status of TCP links is correctly reported.

Changes in V2.4i since 2.4h

  1. Tester objects are deleted when a script ends to release resources.
  2. Array indexing parsing has been improved.
  3. BatchQueue now checks for valid license.
  4. If a script contains an error the error is shown at script load.

Changes in V2.4h since 2.4g

  1. The licensing software has been upgraded to enable software activation keys and trial license key requests.
  2. Addition of stop after current item in batch queue.
  3. Moved loading of batch queues into a thread to avoid retry message.
  4. Fixed crash due to incorrect use of _vsnprintf_s.
  5. Added script record file, extension tsrrec, to allow playback of script to aid in debugging crashes.
  6. Added Test Script Runner version to results file.
  7. Stopped updating script and variable views when view is hidden to prevent excessive CPU usage.
  8. Only update variable view once per second to avoid excessive CPU usage.
  9. Added proxy server dialog.
  10. Reduced handle leak by calling CloseHandle when creating threads.
  11. WindowsTester plugin V3.0. Use SendMessageTimeout instead of SendMessage in case of no response leading to infinite time in action hanging script.

Changes in V2.4g since 2.4f

  1. Email does not include results summary if script does not contain any result commands.
  2. The Script view window now contains the log details and the separate window has been removed.
  3. When a script is run from a batch queue its window location is fixed.
  4. Removing items from a batch queue removes all selected items first time.
  5. The variable view does not keep getting cleared making it easier to view.
  6. Windows tester V2.7 adds action checkWindowDoesNotExist and change count to action waitForChange.

Changes in V2.4f since 2.4e

  1. Serial Plugin updated to V2.2. This version adds support for UDP data and new actions startLoggingToFile and stopLoggingToFile.
  2. Fixed BatchQueueItem.cpp for compilation via VC++ 6.0.
  3. Link to log file added to results XML and XSL.
  4. Fix for use of bool type in scripts.
  5. Enabled stop on error for Batch Queues.

Changes in V2.4e since 2.4d

  1. Added results xml file for batch queue runs.
  2. Added built in variables to provide date and time values. Variable names are:-
    Variable Description
    year4 digit year
    month1 - 12
    shortmonth"Jan" - "Dec"
    longmonth"January" - "December"
    day1 - 31
    hour0 - 23
    minute0 - 59
    second0 - 59
    Each of these can be preceded by load (to obtain the script load time), current (to get the current time) and run (to obtain the script run time). If the value is not preceded by anything then you get the current time.
  3. Added movelogfile(string) and copylogfile(string) functions. These allow log files to be added to the results directory.
  4. CSV results file format has been removed as the XML format contains all data and can be loaded into Excel 2007.
  5. Added width and precision to format specification for sprintf etc. Also allow integer to be used with %g.
  6. Added values to results dialog, changed it into a floating window and allow multiple results windows to be displayed.
  7. Stopped flicker on variable view.
  8. Do not scroll to current item in script view unless current item remains the same for a short period to prevent jitter.
  9. Windows tester V2.6 adds waitForChange action.

Changes in V2.4d since 2.4c

  1. Fixed crash in sprintf if variable parameter does not exist.

Changes in V2.4c since 2.4b

  1. Added the ability to add text label to assert statement e.g. assert(x == 0,"Test 1").

Changes in V2.4b since 2.4a

  1. Changed logging of results to help in results analysis.

Changes in V2.4a since 2.4

  1. Bug fixes.
  2. Addition of Failures1_0.xsl and Summary1_0.xsl style sheets.
  3. Addition of ViewResults.html file to results directory. Load this web page to view results using the style sheets of item 2 or bespoke style sheets should you generate your own.

Changes in V2.4 since 2.3

  1. Addition of the windows Registry Tester plug-in. This allows you to read and write registry keys.
  2. Addition of functions using the syntax below. Normal scope rules apply to functions i.e. the function definition must be before the use and not at a deeper nesting level. Example:-.
    function x
        str = sprintf("%s %s",x[0],x[1])
  3. Addition of ignore result sections using the syntax below. An ignore result section allows you to add script code that may fail for whatever reason but the failure is not relevant to the scripts pass/fail result. Example:-.
  4. Variables are only cleared when the script starts therefore leaving them available for viewing when a script completes. This should aid when debugging a script.
  5. Complex arithmetic expressions are allowed and adhere to operator precedence.
  6. Fixed file name when manually saving XML / CSV files from GUI.
  7. Improved parsing of Boolean expressions for if and while statements.
  8. The Windows Tester plug-in re-reads window text should the first read a blank string in case he field is being updated when it is being read.
  9. Integer or double writes to an edit box are converted to text before being written.
  10. A kill focus message is sent after writes to an edit box to ensure the receiving application gets an update event.
  11. Addition of multi-dimensional arrays defined using [] e.g. [1,2,3,4],[5,6,7,8] defines an array of length 2 containing arrays of length 4.
  12. When saving batch queues the file names are made relative if possible to allow easy transfer between PCs.
  13. If a script is included as a sub-script via the include statement or in a batch queue that does not exist an error is generated.

Changes in V2.3 since 2.2a

  1. Added array assignment e.g.
    values = "Option 1","Option 2","Option 3".
  2. Added arraylength command to return the number of elements in the array e.g.
    numvalues = arraylength(values).
  3. Fixed some parsing issues with arrays.
  4. Batch Queue loading has been speeded up.
  5. Added modulo operator %.
  6. Added power operator ^.
  7. Fixed variable parsing on Vista.
  8. Added debugging including step and breakpoints for scripts.
  9. Fixed month number in results file name.
  10. Updated help to include missing batch queue menu items plus new options.
  11. Added auto run option to batch queue.

Changes in V2.2a since 2.2

  1. Fixed Batch Queue crash when Auto Delete is selected.

Changes in V2.2 since 2.1b

  1. Fixed GUI crash when Batch Queue is running for a long period.
  2. RTSP Tester V2.1a detects a missing mount point and declares a failure.
  3. Added default keyword to script language to define script defaults should a system variable not be defined e.g. default x = 10 to assign 10 to x if x is not found.
  4. Parsing of system variables no longer uses a temporary file speeding up the script.
  5. Improved script handling of arithmetic on variables.

Changes in V2.1b since 2.1a

  1. XSL style sheet updated to ensure Values heading is displayed even if some iterations do not have values due to error.

Changes in V2.1a since 2.1

  1. ScriptDir always gives the full path to the script directory.
  2. Floating point values have a precision of 10 decimal places in the XML file.

Changes in V2.1 since 2.0

  1. SScanf command added to the script language to allow extraction of data from read strings.
  2. ScriptDirectory variable added to the script language to provide the script directory to the script.
  3. All values returned from actions are included in the XML file.
  4. XSL style sheet displays values for the actions if available.
  5. XSD data description includes the values from actions.
  6. WindowsTester V2.2 adds boxcheck and boxuncheck actions for check box manipulation.
  7. RTSPTester V2.1 adds statistics action.

Changes in V2.0 since 1.3

  1. Addition of a batch queue with plug-in support to allow tasks such as downloading software to a unit under test.
  2. Trial license is only 2 days but can be extended via http://www.testscriptrunner.com/Register.
  3. Addition of RTSP video streaming tester.
  4. Addition of program runner tester.
  5. Update to V2.1 of Windows Tester.
  6. Some memory leaks have been removed.

Changes in V1.3 since 1.2a

  1. All plug-in testers run in the context of the PlugInRunner.exe process in order to prevent crashes in plug-in modules from crashing the Test Script Runner core.
  2. The serial terminal works on Windows 2000.
  3. The test iteration count is included in the results XML file.
  4. Pressing F1 for help should find the correct context sensitive help.
  5. The Tester Documentation is a none-modal dialog.
  6. Version numbers can be added to Plug-in Tester modules – follow help for details.

Changes in V1.2a since 1.2

  1. The serial plug-in is now at V1.6 which adds format types %x (lowercase hex), %X (uppercase hex) and %o (signed octal) to the send command along with width and precision qualifiers to send format. Also Added * qualifier and use of ^ with [] in scanf action.
  2. Fixed the timeout when closing a script.
  3. Added blank line removal to the serial terminal.

Changes in 1.2 since 1.1

  1. The serial plugin dll now exports a SerialCOM object that implements the ISerialCOM interface and _ISerialEvents.
  2. Test Script Runner GUI uses the SerialCOM object to implement a serial terminal.
  3. The action clearReceiveQueue has been added to the serial plug-in which is now at V1.4.

Changes in 1.1 since 1.0.3

  1. The interface ITesterCreator1 has been added to provide the version number of the creator if implemented.
  2. The interface ITester1 has been added to provide the version number of the tester and the script directory for file operations.
  3. You can now concatenate strings via the + operator.
  4. Arithmetic operator * and / now work.
  5. All the standard plug-in modules have version numbers that can be viewed in the GUI.
  6. The Test Script Runner core and GUI have version numbers in the about box.
  7. The actions sendFile and compareFile have been added to the serial plug-in which is now at V1.3.
Click here for any patches that are available.

Please note that you will need to uninstall any previous version of Test Script Runner before installing the latest version. Please check that the uninstall has been successful prior to installing the software as there has been times when the uninstall script has not fully deleted the software. To check simple view the Test Script Runner directory contains no files after running the uninstall script.
